Logan, I'm glad you were born. God had plans for my life that I had never dreamed of, and they all started with you. You taught me more about life then reading an entire library of books could have. You continue to surprise us and I am so thankful to be your mom.
Gabriel, I'm glad you were born. For many many years that was not true. I was angry. I was so angry you were born dead. The single worst thing I've ever had to do is hand you to a nurse after saying our goodbyes. But now, years later I am so glad you were born. You taught me to appreciate life. I see you in each of your brothers and you are very much a part of our family. I'm so thankful to be your mom.
Billy, I'm glad you were born. Glad doesn't even begin to describe how happy I was when you were born. I don't believe I even fully knew what happiness was until you were born. You are the funniest person I know, and owner of the biggest heart. I'm so thankful to be your mom.
Ben, I'm glad you were born. You shocked us by being so small in size and continue to shock us with your energy and determination. There is nothing you can't do and that attitude inspires me. I'm so thankful to be your mom.
Garrett, I'm glad you were born. It took me a while to get over how you were born, but I have always been so thankful that you WERE born. Your curly hair and huge blue-grey eyes melt my heart. I love getting to know you and your gentle heart. I'm so thankful to be your mom.
Declan, I'm glad you were born. You are the perfect bookend to our little family. Your birth healed my spirit but you healed my heart. Your sweet smiles and infectious laughter assure me that no matter how busy my day is...there is always time for love and laughter. I'm so thankful to be your mom.
About this post ~ I saw the idea for this post on a little cloth diapering blog I follow (
http://clothdiapers.blogspot.com/) and was going to copy the idea..but when I kept reading I realized it was for a giveaway. And with two in diapers I will certainly be linking this post to their site, but I wanted to make sure my kids know I didn't do this for money but wanted to remind them that I am so glad they were born and am thankful to be their mother.