It seems impossible that he's four.
Garrett started his day with a couple gifts.

Then we were off to Walmart to buy batteries for the gifts. I am usually very good about making sure we have AA batteries in the house but Ben's LeapPad goes through them so quickly we were totally out.
When we got home it was time to decorate his cake. Garrett requested chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and picked out Fruity Jelly Beans for decor. I cheated and used store bought frosting (I usually make buttercream from scratch).

And then it was dinner time. We ate "Homemade Tasty you can eat with spoons!" per Garrett's Request. Homemade Tasty = Chicken Nuggets according to Garrett. :)

And then it was time to party.
Opening gifts:

We played a quick game of pin the tail on the donkey...we also pinned a tail on Declan.

Happy Birthday Gare Bear!! xoxo