Life has been taking up so much time I haven't had a second to write about it. lol
First I'll update ya'll on the boys....Logan:
Is having a great year in 4th grade. He loves his new school and although we have to fight with him to get him to do his homework...he's learning a lot.
Loooooves school. He wakes up energized and tries to get out to the bus stop early every morning thinking that will make the bus come sooner and take him to school sooner. I think his favorite part of the day is lunch time. For a few weeks he had double lunches. He'd eat the lunch I was packing him at snack time and then get another full lunch at school. lol
Is sooo active and smart. He's into trains and cows right now. Oh and Micky Mouse is all of a sudden a favorite of his. BUT still nothing holds a candle to his favorite guy ever....Elmo.
Our G-man is growing up so fast. He's cruising all around the living room and I caught him trying to walk from the entertainer to the gate yesterday. It's amazing how fast the first year goes. He is such a guy's guy and loves to rough house with Ben already. He's up to 6 teeth now.
....and then on us....Shaun:
I'm sure you can guess what he's up to....working all the time as usual. But at least he's "on shift" now so his schedule allows him more at home time with the boys. I have a cute picture of him and Ben sleeping on the sofa that I'll share later in this post.
I'm working. Lots of sewing and computer time advertising and growing my small sewing business. I have perfected my bib pattern after combining both of my sizes to one that works for both small and larger babies. Lots less confusing for me to keep one size in stock rather than two.
Now for some pics in random order (sorry)....

Ben's new Elmo Mutt (fitted cloth diaper)

Shaun and Ben taking an afternoon snooze

A new rug for our livingroom

Garrett in his Bacon and Eggs Mutt (fitted cloth diaper)

The only non-burry Halloween pic we have