Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

Mother's Day started late in the evening of Saturday with a Declan who would not sleep. He needed lots of mama cuddles. We hugged and gazed into each other's eyes until just before midnight. Five short hours later I was woken up by a well rested Garrett and Ben. Not quite the start I was hoping for but it did get better. Logan got up and watched the little boys so Declan and I could sleep in. Now THAT is an amazing Mother's Day gift. :)

But the gifts kept coming. To my bed they came bearing handmade gifts full of love and creativity.

Billy gave me a lovely card full of compliments and an amazing painting of lupines. *will add photo of it tomorrow*

Logan built this box out of Lego and put a dollar bill in it.

Ben brought this home from school on Thursday


Billy helped Ben and Garrett accomplish this sweet greeting on the living room floor

We had a big breakfast of scrambled eggs and sausage, then got dressed and headed down the driveway for a cookout at my parents.

Happy Mother's Day! <3

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