Sunday, March 20, 2011

We've moved!!

We are nearly all moved (okay...there are a few more boxes at the old house but we hope to be totally out by Tuesday) and are settled into our new home. Living in the country is wonderful. I can't believe I ever used to daydream about moving away from here. Mud and all we are loving our new rural roots.

I have to mention too it's been rather hard moving with so many children. The amount of stuff to be moved is crazy as is the time spent apart. Shaun has had to do a lot of the moving solo or with the help of my father (Thanks Dad!!) as I don't have a clone and someone has to be here with the children.

My inlaws helped Shaun paint the house the first weekend we had the keys. We are so lucky to have had their help or else this place would still be the color of primer. Thank you Nancy and Paul.

I'll start a new post with a few pics in a bit...a cute 1yo is calling "Maaa Maaa" from his crib.

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